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Most cars are fitted with a strong and durable cambelt when manufactured.

During its lifetime the cambelt will keep the heart of your engine running in perfect timing whilst the engine turns over up to 400 times per second. The cambelts that Lookers use are made to such high standards we only recommend changing them between 4 and 6 years or 72,000 to 96,000 miles, whichever comes first.

What will happen if I do nothing?

After its replacement due date the cambelt will eventually snap whilst your engine is running. Even at idle, major engine damage can usually occur. There are no warning characteristics that would allow you to safely stop before losing power and causing possible costly damage to your engine.

What does the work involve?

Lookers will only use a cambelt kit that includes the required belts and rollers that need to be replaced at the same time as the belt. Depending on the model we may also replace the water pump which can only be accessed when the cambelt is removed. Replacing the belt takes specialist training and equipment, the work will take approximately 3 hours in a fully equipped workshop. 

What should I do?

Lookers can replace your cambelt, during the cambelt replacement we will also complete a vehicle health check to reassure you of your vehicle road worthiness. You will also have the added satisfaction of knowing that all of our work is guaranteed for parts and labour for 12 months.

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