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Keep your smart looking as good as new

With Lookers smart body repair

Lookers smart has an Approved Bodyshop and ensures your vehicle will be well looked after by trained technicians.

At Lookers smart we promise that only smart Genuine Parts will be used when your smart is in for repair in our Approved Bodyshop. Not only this but you can also rest assured that your vehicle will be seen to by one of our smart trained technicians who specialise in smart and Mercedes-Benz repairs.

In the unfortunate event of an accident...

As a note for the future if you have to unfortunately claim on insurance for body repairs to be done, insist on the work being done at a smart Approved Bodyshop. It's well within your rights, and it will ensure a trained technician will return your smart car to its original condition.

To get a quote or find out more information please contact one of our representatives today.

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