If you are interested in buying a new or used car, but are unsure whether your finances permit it, Hire Purchase Finance could be for you. It allows you to put down a deposit of your choice, and to pay what remains, plus interest, in fixed monthly payments, in a timeframe between 18 months to five years.
Hire Purchase is an option for those who want to tailor their finances to suit their circumstances. It promises help to people in a variety of situations, and gives the option of choosing longer repayment periods than might not be possible with other payment schemes.
We recommend that you always make sure that the fixed monthly instalment works around other monthly and annual financial obligations, so that you can balance a realistic repayment amount and own the vehicle as soon as possible.
This purchasing method is perfect for those who need to balance a car purchase with other financial commitments. It gives you flexibility and, crucially, the time that you need to acquire your dream car. Contact us today to find out more.