To be more aware of the effect our actions can have on the environment, it is important to know how your motoring habits can help to reduce global carbon emissions.

The primary substance that affects climate change is carbon dioxide - CO2. This is the most important emission that car manufacturers have been working towards reducing. The amount of CO2 produced by a vehicle is directly connected to its fuel consumption.

Cars also produce toxic emissions such as nitrogen oxide (NOx), but at the moment there is little that a motorist can do to prevent this other than choosing the newest cars that have worked towards lowered emissions. 

The Euro I standard, which judges vehicles on their carbon emissions, was introduced in 1992. As research and development into carbon emissions goes further, the Euro standard has become stricter. The current standard is Euro V, which was put into place in 2009. Current cars take advantage of modern technology, and are much better for the environment than cars of 10 or 20 years ago.

In fact, a car from 1992 has the potential to give out the same level of emissions as 20 modern vehicles. With this in mind, it is certainly better for the environment if we take advantage of modern emissions research in our day-to-day driving.

Car models that have been awarded certificates for their low carbon emissions are often eligible for reduced road tax, making them a cost-effective option as well as better for the planet.

Lookers Motor Group is dedicated towards providing you with vehicles that can help reduce carbon emissions and keep the environment safer for longer. Contact us if you would like any advice on your motoring habits in order to reduce carbon emissions, and we will be happy to help.

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