Should I stop driving when pregnant?

No, you're perfectly safe to drive when pregnant if you feel confident enough to do so. Longer journeys may be less comfortable, and you will need to adjust the seat, but it's still safe as long as you can reach the pedals and the steering wheel is not obstructed.

Should I still wear a seatbelt?

Yes, you should always drive with your seatbelt on, even if it is less comfortable than usual. Only in exceptional circumstances are motorists exempt from wearing a seatbelt, and this requires a doctor to issue a medical exemption certificate to prove your exception if stopped by the Police.

Im pregnant, is it safe to wear a seatbelt?

Yes, wearing a seatbelt should not harm you or your baby should you need to break heavily, but it's very important to wear it correctly. Instead of going across your stomach, the lap belt must be placed under your stomach as high up your thighs as possible, to ensure any pressure is not against your bump.

Are airbags unsafe?

Experts agree that airbags are not unsafe, and should not be a concern for pregnant motorists as they protect from head injuries. Whether you are pregnant or not, it's important not to sit too close to the wheel as this can cause injury if the airbag deploys. As your baby grows, remember to move the seat back and tilt it to keep some distance from the wheel. 

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