Lookers Renault Newcastle strikes up sponsorship of under nines football team

Lookers has strengthened its relationship with the local sporting community by becoming the main sponsor of a Tyneside under nines football club.

Newcastle Benfield Olympico is the latest sports team to benefit from the support of the dealership group, with nearby Lookers Renault providing them with new strips to play in.

The team play in the Pinpoint Recruitment Under 9’s League and with the help of Lookers Renault Newcastle are back to playing in their traditional blue and white hoops after having to wear a yellow strip for most of last season.

The team are currently managed by Chris Dixon and Andy Hetherington, dads to two of the players in the team and who recently look over following the departure of long-time coach Nicky Ling.

The sponsorship is the result of a friendship between Rikki Ledger, General Manager at Lookers Renault Newcastle, and Martin Glaholm, also a dad of one of the young players.

Rikki said: “It’s fantastic that Lookers Renault Newcastle has been able to sponsor such a popular local football team and one that is so close to our dealership. Lookers has a long history of supporting grass roots sports teams as we realise how important they are to local communities. We hope that Newcastle Benfield Olympico continues its good form and that the new strips bring them luck.”

Chris Dixon said: “We would like to thank Rikki and everyone at Lookers Renault Newcastle for sponsoring us and for helping the team look a million dollars. The smiles on the faces of the kids when we showed them the new shirts for the first time was priceless. It’s given the team a real boost.”

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