Local charging infrastructure
Local authorities are committing greater funds to charging infrastructure but before buying your vehicle, think about what's already in place close to home and work. Urban areas typically feature a higher number of charging points, and motorists living in the city will find keeping their EV charged when on the move easier than those travelling rurally.
Home charging access
The main opportunity to charge your EV will be when you're at home, typically during the evening and at night. To operate a battery electric car, you'll need to be able to trail a lead from your domestic power source to the car for charging.
Daily commute
EV range is constantly improving, but your typical daily commute and the range of your particular model needs to be thought through before purchasing. Vehicles of all power sources are there for convenience and practicality, and if this is lost because of range, now may not be the time to go electric.
Access to a secondary vehicle
Finally, there may be occasions where you need to drive longer distances. With access to a secondary vehicle that uses fuel, this isn't an issue, but if you're thinking of swapping your sole car for an EV, these trips may be more difficult to plan.
Some dealerships offer a loan system with EVs, through which you can use a petrol or diesel vehicle for a number of weeks each year.
There's much to consider when buying a new car, and with Lookers dealership network you can rely on the industry experts to help you make the right choice. See our current range of used electric cars below or contact your nearest dealership today for more information.