The following companies are limited companies registered in England. Their registered office is Lookers House, 3 Etchells Road, West Timperley, Altrincham, WA14 5XS, England. Save as specified, their VAT No. is 405 9783 29.
Charles Hurst Limited (Company No. NI.4882), Charles Hurst Motors Ltd (Company No. NI. 25262) and Fleet Financial Limited (Company No. NI.30373) are limited companies registered in Northern Ireland. Their registered office is 62 Boucher Road, Balmoral, Belfast, County Antrim, BT12 6LR, Northern Ireland. Their VAT No. is 405 9783 29.
Lomond Motors Limited (Company No. SC.184583), Lomond Motors (East) Limited (Company No. SC.304405) and Lomond TPS Limited (Company No. SC. 319410) are limited companies registered in Scotland. Their registered office is 520 Hillington Road, Braehead, Glasgow, G52 4UB, Scotland. Their VAT No. is 405 9783 29.
Charles Hurst Dublin Limited (Company No.316961) is a limited company registered in the Republic of Ireland. Its registered office is 6th Floor, South Bank House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Its VAT No. is 972 5935F.
Lookers Motor Group Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN registration number 309424). The following companies are Appointed Representatives of Lookers Motor Group Limited:
- Charles Hurst Limited (FRN: 404120)
- Charles Hurst Motors Limited (FRN: 403859)
- Lookers Colborne Limited (FRN: 517128)
- Fleet Financial Limited (FRN: 456005)
- Lomond Motors Limited (FRN:476254)
- Lookers Birmingham Limited (FRN:403860)
- Lookers Leasing Limited (FRN:535490)
- MB South Limited (FRN:461719)
- Platts Harris Limited (FRN:403862)
- The Dutton-Forshaw Motor Company Limited (FRN: 474287)
- Addison Motors Limited (FRN:727684)
- Colebrook & Burgess Limited (FRN:727687)
- Rosedale Finance & Leasing Limited (FRN:727690)
GET Motoring UK Limited (FRN: 654648) is an Appointed Representative of Lookers Motor Group Limited for consumer credit activities only.